Method for Standardization of 0.1 (N) Sodium Hydroxide Solution

 Ø  Apparatus:-

·         250 ml conical flask

·         100 ml cylinder

·         50 ml burette


Ø  Reagents:-

·         0.1 (N) Sodium Hydroxide

·         Phenolphthalein  Indicator

·         Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (A.R Grade)


Ø  Preparation of Solution:-

·         0.1 (N) Sodium Hydroxide:-  

Weight accurately 4 g Sodium Hydroxide and dissolve in 1L DM water.

·         Phenolphthalein Indicator:-

Dissolve 0.1 g of Phenolphthalein Indicator in 20 ml methyl alcohol and add sufficient water to produce 100 ml.


Ø  Procedure:-

Take accurately about 0.4 g Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (A.R Grade) in a conical flask. Add approximately 50 ml DM water and shake gently until dissolution. Then titrate it with 0.1 (N) Sodium Hydroxide solution with Phenolphthalein indicator until the colour changes from colourless to faint pink.


Ø  Calculation:-


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